At Walter B. Howard Elementary we encourage students to maintain positive behavior using a PBIS model. Student behavior is very important, because we know that if children are behaving in class, at recess and on the bus, then students are ready to learn. Below is a description of our efforts here at school.
What is PBIS?
Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is a systems approach to preventing and responding to school and classroom discipline problems. PBIS develops school-wide systems that support staff to teach and promote positive behavior in all students. By reducing behavioral problems, PBIS creates and maintains safe learning environments where teachers can teach and students can learn. At WBH our students work hard to be respectful, responsible and safe. View the PBIS Matrix here.
Tiger Tickets
When our students act respectful, responsible and safe, they can earn a Tiger Ticket. These Tiger Tickets are given out by all teachers and staff members. At WBH, the children collect these tickets in their classrooms and earn different incentives from their teachers.
Tiger Jam
This monthly assembly brings our whole school community together. Each month we focus on a different character theme, trait or lesson. The children are reminded to bring this lesson back into their daily life. This is also a time for classes to showcase their talents and share what they have been working on in their classrooms. Students of the month are announced and celebrated during Tiger Jam. Special area teachers choose their students of the month and birthdays are celebrated. Join us for Tiger Jam on the first Monday of each month at 8:45 a.m.