New Lebanon Residents Approve 2022-23 School Budget

Dear NL Community,
I am thrilled to inform you that the New Lebanon Central School District’s 2022-2023 school budget passed this evening with a 75% majority. The bus proposition (which allows the district to purchase two 66 passenger buses) also passed with an 80% majority.
This outcome is a testament to every member of our district community. Tonight’s vote reaffirms the community’s long standing commitment to our students and district. On behalf of the district I want to thank you for your support of the New Lebanon Central School District. The approved 2022-2023 school budget will allow the district to continue the excellent academic programs and extracurricular opportunities for our students.
Our community elected John Kalisz, Charleen Kane, and Robert Long for a 3-year New Lebanon Board of Education term.
This evening’s kids vote was a huge success. We are thrilled to report that the recess game “Spike Ball” had the most student votes. This game will be purchased for our students to play during recess. A big thank you to Ms. Smith for organizing this opportunity for our students.
Thank you to all who voted in this year’s budget. We appreciate your support and dedication towards our New Lebanon school community.
Very Fondly,
Andrew Kourt
NL Superintendent