Lock Out-Secure Lifted at Both Buildings

Dear Families,

The district has been informed that the violent threats made to area schools have been deemed unfounded. Schools in our region who received these school phone threats are lifting their emergency precautions. With this information, both WBH and The Jr./Sr. High School buildings have lifted their “Lock Outs.” Again our district did not receive any threats of school violence, but out of abundance of caution we decided to call a “Lock Out – Secure” in both buildings.

Please know our students, faculty, and staff’s safety is always our number one priority. We have a robust school safety team that is constantly reviewing our school safety procedures, we regularly work with regional experts to review our safety plans, and both buildings have emergency practice drills on a regular basis. As a district we always have a Columbia County school resource deputy on site. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions. Please know that during an emergency we will always strive to keep our families and community updated at all times.

Very Fondly,

Andrew Kourt

Superintendent of Schools