College Caravan Held at New Lebanon Jr./Sr. High School

On Friday, May 21, the Capital District Counselors Association traveled to the New Lebanon Jr./Sr. High School for their annual College Caravan. The 10th and 11th graders had the opportunity to touch base with 12 colleges and universities from across New York State.

Prior to the event, school counselor Meghan Evans teamed up with the English Department to make sure the students were well prepared. Mrs. Evans did a lesson with both grade levels to allow students the opportunity to research the schools beforehand, as well as provide various questions they could ask. Students were allowed to stay as briefly or long as they liked, depending on their interest in college in general. After the caravan finished up, the college representatives reported to Mrs. Evans how impressed they were with the engagement level of our students. Great job, kids!

Earlier in the year, Mrs. Evans also asked all of the faculty members in the building which colleges and universities they attended, in efforts to get shirts donated by their Alma mater. Luckily, many schools were willing to send shirts to their graduates! Faculty members were asked to wear those shirts on the day of the College Caravan to promote the college conversation. A special thank you to Mrs. Dickson for all of her assistance in helping out with the caravan. Overall, it was a great day!