SPAC’s Summer Concert Program Classical Kids Dance – July 10

SPAC dancers performs ballet moves

One of the SPAC Classical Kids Dancers who presented different styles of dances to the 5th grade class.

Summer marks an exciting time for 5th grade students at WBH elementary. This year, every 5th grade student will have the opportunity to participate in SPAC’s Summer Concert Program Classical Kids Dance on July 10. This is a wonderful chance for our students to hear a truly phenomenal live concert with not only some of the best musicians in the world, but with the some of the best professional dancers and choreographers as well. This program is offered to students around the Capital District to expose them to different styles of dance, and to encourage an appreciation for the performing arts.

On Friday, July 10, students will leave WBH elementary and be bused up to SPAC to see the New York City Ballet perform Square Dance, Justin Peck’s new piece Rodeo, and Symphony in C.

The tickets for the show are completely free for all 5th grade students; half price tickets are available for siblings and parents at $26 a ticket.

If your child attends the Dance Performance through this program on Friday, July 10, they will get a pass for a free ticket to the ballet (excluding The Gala) and orchestra for each year until they graduate from high school. This pass is valued at more than $4,000 dollars!

For additional information, please contact Kelsey Boyce at 794-8554 Ext. 3102, or


Photo: One of the SPAC Classical Kids Dancers who presented different sytles of dances to the 5th grade class.