Letter to Parents: Chickenpox Exposure

To Parents/Guardians:

Your child may have been exposed to Chickenpox (varicella zoster) at school.

Please watch your child for the following symptoms.  If your child has the symptoms below, please call your child’s healthcare provider for guidance.

Symptoms usually appear 14-16 days after exposure.

Common Signs and Symptoms

  • Slight fever, feels tired and weak
  • May report a stomach ache
  • Itchy, blistered rash that first appears on the trunk (stomach and back) and spreads to the face, arms and legs
  • The rash appears to be small water blisters.

In a day or two, the rash will form crusts that will remain for a few days.  As the blisters spread, some will be healing as new ones appear.  Your child needs to remain home from school until all the blisters are crusted over (your child is contagious until that time).

Please notify the School Health Office at the number below if your child becomes ill with chicken pox.

If your child does develop chickenpox, he/she should be kept from attending school until the rash has scabbed over. This is true even if your child was previously vaccinated. Please help us to protect your child and stop the spread of chickenpox in our school.

Please call the school’s Health Office if you have any questions or concerns.

School Nurse: Cheryl Rice
School New Lebanon Jr/Sr High School

Chickenpox Fact Sheet