A Letter from Superintendent Kourt- Area Districts Receiving Unspecified Threats

Dear Families

The district has been made aware that there have been multiple suspected swatting phone calls in our region indicating an active shooter at local school districts today. To our knowledge none of these threats have been founded by school officials or law enforcement. We have been told that these calls have been made to the following schools: Maple Hill High School, Bell Top Elementary, Troy High School, and Albany High School.

Swatting incidents are threats made to schools with the purpose of triggering a police response and creating fear and panic. Several states across the U.S. have experienced similar mass swatting attempts in recent months. 

Out of abundance of caution both buildings in our district have been placed in “Lock out – secure.” This means that all outdoor activities are terminated with entry and exit to the building granted on a case by case basis through a locked and monitored door. All activities in the building are resuming as normal.

There has been NO THREAT to any of our buildings in our district. We have been in contact with our local authorities and our assigned resource deputy is on our campuses throughout the day. Please let me know if you have any questions. We will be sure to keep you updated – look for another update by 11am.


Andrew Kourt

Superintendent of Schools