Message from Superintendent Kourt Regarding the Budget Vote

Dear New Lebanon Community,

I want to remind you that next Tuesday, May 21st is the school budget and board of election vote.  Communities throughout New York State will have an opportunity to vote on their school budget and board member elections. Our budget vote will take place in the WBH Gymnasium from 12pm to 8pm. For more information on the 24-25 school budget, please see our budget newsletter at and/or the budget section of our district website at

Also on Tuesday, May 21st, the New Lebanon teachers/staff and our WBH PTA is also hosting a school wide event that will showcase the work of our students and a free ice cream float station, sponsored by our WBH teachers – All families and community members are invited. See the flyer for more details here.

No matter what, don’t forget to vote on Tuesday. Please feel free to reach out with any questions.


Andrew Kourt