Free Zoom Trainings: IEP and FBA/BIP Processes Explained

Free Training for Families and Professionals by NYSED’s Capital District Family and Community Engagement Center (CD FACE Center)

Join us for two no-cost training sessions designed to support families and professionals in understanding key processes that impact students with disabilities. Both sessions are available via Zoom.

What is an IEP? For Families of Preschool Students

Date: October 24th
Time: 9:00 AM – 10:30 AM (via Zoom)

This session offers an overview of the process for developing an Individual Education Program (IEP) using a collaborative approach. We will cover the key components of the preschool IEP, and provide information on how families can share valuable insights with the Committee on Preschool Special Education (CPSE) regarding their child’s performance and disability-related needs.

Families will leave the training with a clear understanding of the IEP components and their important role in its development.

Click here to register for the IEP training!

Parent and Family Engagement in the FBA/BIP Process

Date: November 12th
Time: 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM (via Zoom)

This training focuses on understanding the Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA) process and the creation of a Behavioral Intervention Plan (BIP). Attendees will learn how to engage effectively with the school team and support students throughout these critical processes.

This session provides an overview of the FBA/BIP process, and highlights the essential role that parents, families, guardians, and caregivers play in supporting their students.

Click here to register for the FBA/BIP training!

For any questions about the courses, please contact Ellen Burns at
For registration assistance, please contact Dawn Rettig at