Letter from Principal Kourt – Attendance is important

Did you know that students who are chronically absent from school often read below grade level and struggle to understand math concepts?  Children who are absent even a day or two, every few weeks often fall behind their peers. A student who is considered chronically absent from school, misses 10% of the school year or 18 days.  During the 2017-2018 school year, 18.86% of our children at WBH were considered chronically absent from school. This is a very concerning statistic and we must do something about it. As a school community we must spread the word that attendance is important!!

When do absences become a problem:

Chronic Absence – 18 or more days
Warning Signs – 10-17 days
Satisfactory – 9 or fewer absences

We ask that you don’t let your child stay home unless he or she is truly sick.  Please keep in mind that complaints of a stomach ache or headache can be a sign of anxiety and not a reason to stay home.  If your child seems anxious about coming to school please contact your child’s teacher, Mrs. Gebbie, or myself for some tips and advice.  Are you wondering, “When is sick too sick for school?” Please take a look at the information on the next page for our recommendations.

When your child’s attendance record starts to approach the chronically absent level you will receive a letter, phone call, or a request to set up a meeting with me.  Together we will start to brainstorm and discuss strategies to make sure your child gets to school regularly so that they do not start falling behind.

As a parent myself, I fully understand how hectic and busy our lives are.  I also understand how difficult it is to raise a child and there are situations where your child may not be able to attend school.  As an educator and a parent, I know the best thing you can do for your child is to ensure they have the very best education and that means they must attend school regularly.

If you have any questions about your child’s absences or you want to brainstorm some strategies with me, please do not hesitate to contact me at the WBH office.  Together we have the same goal – to provide the very best education for your child.


Andrew Kourt
WBH Principal