University Foundations for Business Class Visit Tri-City ValleyCats

students at Tri-City Valleycats gameRecently, the University Foundations for Business visited the Tri-City ValleyCats to learn more about a local minor league team’s business presence within the community.  Students learned about the ValleyCats business relationship between the Houston Astro’s Major League Baseball Club and Joseph L. Bruno Stadium.  There were various departments that visited our business students including operations, concessions, marketing, sales, and executive management.  Students learned how each department works in conjunction with the overall organization.  Students could relate a “real-life” business model to prior in-class business lessons. A tour was provided to the students after the educational session was completed.  The students agreed this was the highlight of the field trip!

Thank you to the Tri-City ValleyCats management team for inviting our students to your facilities and allowing them to learn more about your sports business organization.